The Zoranvari story begins in 1947 when Gholam Reza Zoranvari joined his father's carpet business. Gholam Reza was deeply fascinated by the traditional techniques of the nomadic peoples of Southern Persia, especially the colorful Gabbeh carpets with high pile. He worked with the Qashqai and Luli peoples to develop new designs to adapt these Gabbeh carpets to the modern market.
In 1985, Gholam Leather's son Reza Zoranvari established a base in Zurich, Switzerland, giving Zoranvari direct access to the European market. This enabled Zoranvari to serve European customers quickly and effectively, and helped Zoranvari gain international recognition.
Characteristics of Zolanvari Gabbeh
Early traditional inspiration
Early Zoranvari carpets were characterized by patterns and symbols reflecting the culture and lifestyle of the nomadic people. These designs were inspired by the nature, flora and fauna and scenes of daily life in Southern Persia.
Current approach
Today, Zolanvari Carpets offers a contemporary reinterpretation of traditional patterns, creating simple and sophisticated designs that retain traditional elements while providing a style that blends in with modern interiors.